But I realize now, the day before my race, that it's more than that. When I signed up to train (which up until that point, I've always said I would never run more than a 10k), it was more of a social thing. Because being a SAHM, I don't get a ton of interaction with people older than 4 on a daily basis. Now that the kids are 2 and 4, I am slowly getting into more of a habit of having "me time," but it is inconsistent at best. Until January. Then I committed to running at least 2 times a week, mostly with company of other like-minded people who have a goal in mind. Most of those people, when I tell them I have 2 year old and 4 year old, they start telling me how they remember those years, how challenging they were, and how they can imagine that any kind of small break from doing that 24/7 is likely welcome.
But y'all. In almost 5 years, this is the first time I've actually set out with a goal that is 100% for myself AND been able to follow through. Because previously, when I set out to run or train even for shorter distances, I had alllllll the excuses - big and small. I was pregnant, or still breastfeeding, or pregnant again, or going through 2 consecutive miscarriages, or pregnant again, or still breastfeeding again, or
So I get it when people are jokingly like "Who wants to run, or pay to run, etc, etc?" It hasn't always been a dream of mine, but I can't lie when I say that it is going to feel good when I cross that finish line tomorrow. Who knows if I will hit my target pace when it's all said and done, or complete the entire thing without walking, but I WILL finish. I know that if Craig can finish a half ironman with a broken collar bone and fractured ribs after crashing his bike during his first ironman race, I can, at the very least, cross the finish line of my first half marathon (hopefully with a lot less injury). AND I will know that I legitimately put in the work to get there. So I apologize for all of the sometimes annoying running posts/pictures over the past few months -- some of it was for accountability reasons, but mostly it was for humor. Because seriously, if you had told me a couple years ago that I would be training for a race in temperatures cold enough to freeze my water bottle while running, I would have thought that I must be trapped in the tundra somewhere.
Slightly off-topic, but have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wonder if you had the ability years ago to flash forward to get a sneak peak of random moments in your life, what you would think of the circumstances? Like in 2006 if you had shown me a glimpse of me running down Wade Avenue, I would've thought "Okay, someone is definitely chasing me.. I hope I make it..", or "Oh ok... I'm probably taking a left on Western to get to Bojangles." It's just interesting how we evolve. And thank God I eat a lot less Bojangles now, because that was a constant battle (hayyyy seasoned fries and honey mustard sauce 🙌).
On this day though, I gave in. #reward (And ironically, it was the Bojangles on Western 😂)
So even though back then, I never would've believed I would've done all of this for a half marathon, I definitely believe me now. I kind of believe in me now too, so there's also that. 💪 #girlpower #roarandstuff