"After mom died.." That's where I am now. It's also a phrase that's hard to get used to. Or when telling a story, and having to say "before mom died.." It just doesn't seem real. I imagine that feeling will fade somewhat, but I can't imagine it not stinging as the words come out. It almost feels like some sort of religious event in history... Before Mom/After Mom. My world was totally different then and now. That traumatic event will probably shape me for the rest of my life, so in a way, it's fitting.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
After Mom Died
Mama's Eulogy from her Graveside Service on August 11th, 10am
“It is well with my soul”
Paraphrased, these were the words mom said to her cousin, Chris, back in May. I had no idea the conversation took place but was so happy when Chris told me about it a couple weeks ago when things were really grim. I probably don’t have to tell y’all that mom wasn’t one to talk about serious things — end of life included. I tried getting the palliative care doctor to help me have conversations with her and somehow she always ended up shifting the conversation and she’d be joking about something not really even relevant. I still don’t know how she did that.
That was her though - she was great at making even the worst conversations bearable. A snide comment here, and a witty comeback there and we’d be laughing til we cry. And we would relive the conversation several more times more and laugh just as hard later, or we’d try to retell the story to some unfortunate person. It’s strange but no one really laughed as hard as we did and we’d always comment that it’s never as funny when you have to explain it. And then we’d probably laugh some more. I remember looking back on some Facebook comments, remembering how hard we laughed when we made them. It seems like yesterday, but also so long ago as I try to remember why it was so funny. We would just get in moods and find the simplest things hilarious. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this with her. She just had a way of talking that made her commentary entertainment by itself. If we were able to turn our trips to ATL for chemo into us flying around the cancer center in a wheelchair while laughing and carrying on, then it’s safe to say that nothing was really out of bounds. I will say that she never really appreciated my wheelchair driving.
I loved that she was able to gracefully make fun of herself - she never took herself too seriously. She would wave at someone and then do that really squawky sound as she pointed out her flappy arm fat. Then she’d really draw attention by energetically waving to everyone saying she was a flying squirrel. Or the time we were in Disney World and we rode this crazy coaster that put us in a little car that moved through — Winnie the Pooh I think, really scary… There was a part of the ride that I noticed had a mirror as we slowly rode past it. I then realize mom is waving frantically and saying “Oh that lady has the same shirt as me!” I had never laughed so hard while I tried to explain she had been looking at herself in the mirror.
She was just the best to be around and she would often surprise me with details about herself here and there. I didn’t find out until this past fall that before she got into a bad car accident when she was around 17 years old, that she had been taking flying lessons and originally wanted to become a pilot. Can you imagine mom as a pilot? She would have to work for Southwest or something because there is zero chance that she would conform to those boring rants they have to do on those other commercial flights. She had way too much twang - I don’t even know if they’d be able to understand her. And does anyone know if there was a height requirement, because that could also be a problem. At all of her doctor’s appointments, she would try her BEST to tell them she was 5’1”. I guess it didn’t matter much because they never checked and I got tired of correcting her, so I stopped. It obviously meant a lot to her, so over the last year, I gave her those precious 2 inches.
I know there are so many stories that are worth sharing from Vegas, the beach, childhood, parenthood, and everything in between that we’d be here all day reminiscing about her and how much we will miss her. I hope we continue to talk about her - all the time. The bottom line was that she loved to laugh. If she was laughing, she was having fun. I hope that we can take a lesson away from her in that you should retire early if you can, because you never know what life will bring after that long sought after retirement. Then take all of the trips, eat all of the cake, and finally, fried chicken everyday is acceptable - especially if it’s her mama’s or from bojangles.
Our family really appreciates all of you coming out here to remember and celebrate mama. She would be be grateful and humbled, and maybe surprised to see a few faces. And we are grateful and humbled too, but not surprised at the faces. She was loved beyond measure.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Turning the Page
Over the last month, mama ended up with the shingles. She started to have severe pain on her side, and we assumed, and before we knew what we were dealing with AND based on scans and history of bones breaking due to cancer spreading, that perhaps her rib had completely fractured (it had showed signs of disease in all of her past scans). Since there's not much you can do for a broken rib, her doctors decided to start her on oxycodone until we could figure out what's going on. At the very least - they wanted to relieve some of the pain. Mom is allergic to codeine so we were wary about her dosage and monitoring her closely. She began taking it and after 24 hours, she seemed to be experiencing no side effects, but the same pain was present unfortunately. I left to go home for a couple days, only to return quickly when mom began complaining of a bad rash. I immediately thought it was a reaction to the codeine, so we stopped that and started on a different pain med. Nothing was helping. We did a video call with one of the nurses and showed her the rash, and she was able to quickly determine that it was shingles.
Typically it takes about 2 weeks to cycle through that, but because mom's immune system was so suppressed, she is STILL battling over a month into this. The nerve pain takes her breath away and she cringes as she waits for the burning sensation to subside. About 1 week in, she began sleeping so much, and eating so little that I got very concerned about the overall picture. Not only that, but we could not continue her chemo while she was so weak and still healing from the blisters that we could NOT get to heal on her back -- no matter what I tried. We took her to UNC for fluids and a check, only to find out the shingles on her back had become infected. So we had to start a new round of antibiotics on top of everything else. At this point, she is taking so many meds and I had to take over managing that as well.
Because she was due for scans soon anyway and we were so concerned with mom's overall stamina, the doctor went ahead and ordered the scans then, to see where we were with the cancer progression. Unfortunately, it was determined that the cancer had not been responding to the new carboplatin regimen, and we needed to discontinue. Her doctor said that there was one more treatment we could try (just recently approved by FDA), but mom was nowhere near strong enough to receive it. So we took a 2 week break to try to get her moving around and strong enough to receive the treatment. Unfortunately (again), it was determined this week that she had not regained her strength very much at all, after a LOT of effort of her part.
Because of this, we have made the difficult decision to transition her care to hospice. This does NOT mean that mom is giving up. She is such a fighter, but we realized after talking to the doctors that if we have any chance of mom rebounding, then it would be through hospice's help. They will just come into her home for now in Wilmington, and visit and assess things as we go. If a nurse is determined to not be needed as much, then we can dial back care. I just finally realized that my nursing skills alone (I am not trained at all), were not doing her any favors. It feels like I'm just keeping her above water, but that's about it. It will be a comfort to know that no matter which way things go, we have the support of hospice to help guide us in whatever direction we are taken. We are basically living with her for now, while the kids don't have any obligations in school and sports -- thanks to COVID. Sometimes, it's strange to see how terrible things can somehow turn into blessings.
The kids have handled it like champs, but some days are harder than others. They are still grappling with what's going on with their Anna, as well as getting stir crazy in a house where they can't always be their normal 4 and 6 year old selves. Fortunately, my best friend's family (shoutout to the amazing Musser family) has a pool that they graciously let us swim in whenever we want, so I get the kids out of the house as frequently (and safely) as possible to give everyone a break. That leaves Craig to work at mom's in a slightly more quiet setting, while also being there in case anything happens with mama or grandmama. I'm only 2 miles away if I need to return home for anything when we go to the pool. On a positive note, Millie can now swim the length of their pool without my help. π Chase still flops around like a drowning chicken, so no luck there. Still working on it though. π
At any rate, this is a tough chapter to say the very least. We are obviously limiting visitors at this time because of COVID, but if anyone would like to send a video of well wishes or a card, let me know and I can make sure those get to her. She still has her sense of humor through all of this and we love her for it. Also, we've found that the kids LOVE getting mail too, so if anyone wants to send them a short and fun letter, please do! Millie can read now and is continuing to work on her handwriting, so reading and responding to letters is a good activity for her currently. Chase loves to doodle a snowman so I'm sure he would love to share his artwork as well. Anything to take their minds off all of this. I tried taking them to the beach, but it was WAY too crowded for my comfort, so we are rather limited.
Thank you to everyone who has been checking in. I try to answer all of the questions that come my way but sometimes they get lost in the madness. So sorry if I'm ever short with anyone with my responses. It is not intentional - there is just a lot going on, but I appreciate the love, thoughts, and prayers. Please know that. π
Sunday, March 8, 2020
A New Chapter for Mama
That seemed to do the trick and we continued on like usual. All was well, but we decided to switch from the Cancer Treatment Center in ATL to the UNC Cancer Hospital in Chapel Hill this past January -- mainly for convenience purposes, and also because she switches to medicare in June and CTCA can no longer help with travel expenses at that point, so we knew a change was inevitable. She has a great doctor at UNC who is really well versed in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, so we feel lucky to be treated there, and it's slightly easier travel wise. Or it was.
Over the last month or so, I started noticing little things with Mom. Mainly memory issues and noticing her coordination and balance seemed off. Nothing major but it was just different, so I made a comment to the NP when we were there for her treatment. They ordered a brain MRI right away, and a couple days later, we got the results back and they were what we feared -- her cancer has spread to her brain.
I know that sounds so scary, and honestly it is. BUT mom is doing really well, considering. They decided to halt chemo + immunotherapy for now, and she's currently undergoing whole brain radiation, and they'll start chemo + immunotherapy back towards the end of the month. They also prescribed a steroid to reduce the swelling in her brain, so that should help with some of the symptoms. They also prescribed her some meds that help Alzheimer's patients, and they hope that helps with the issues she's having with short-term memory.
In addition to that, they have a new technique with whole brain radiation where they can skip over the hippocampus, which plays a major role with memory. So hopefully all of these things combined will help preserve her short-term memory that she's been struggling with lately. The big takeaway is that the cancer is getting smarter (progressing in her brain, but no signs of progression in her body according to her most recent CTs in January), and it's getting more aggressive.
All in all, we are doing okay -- they don't want her driving for now, but she is hoping that's temporary. But obviously, that makes things a tad harder since she's in Wilmington and everything is in Chapel Hill, but it's nothing we can't handle. If we can just convince mom it's not that big of a deal when we come down to get her or take her back. π Plus, she can come and stay with me whenever she wants, and she does that too! The kids love it. #silverlining π
My Definition of Trauma
I’ve been wrestling with thoughts of mom recently. I can only assume it’s due to Mother’s Day weekend looming. Or who knows, maybe I’m just ...
As I read my last blog entry, it truly feels like a lifetime ago. It was written before the pandemic took over, and while we were still hope...
Medically speaking, this trip was uneventful (which is a good thing). She had her normal check-in with her oncologist, and then chemo/immun...
It's been a while since I've updated, and that's been because of a GOOD thing -- Mom's status has been stable ever since we ...