Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Batter up!

Sooo.. maybe it's just the jock in me, but as I've grown up, I've constantly wondered..

"Ok, if I were able to pick any song when I'm going up to bat, what would it be?"

This is probably limited mostly to softball/baseball players, but there is intro music in many sports, so just go with it. Anyway, I finally figured out what song it would be! It's too early to tell if it's just because song is relatively new, or if it's always going to be one of those songs that gets people movin' and be-bopping around(yes, be-bopping), but it does the trick for me for now. This is another song that I put on blast in the car if it comes on, and I always get so bummed if I turn it on when it's already past the first verse. Clearly this is all just for fun, because I obviously never had a real shot at going pro in softball, so I'd never really get to experience this. But every time I go to a baseball game and hear each batter's song, I would always sit back and think about what mine would be. Well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weird... I had this same thought at about the same time you posted this! I know it was the same time because I was at Wendy's when the song came on. I use the measuring stick of does it make the hair on my arms and neck stand up (remember that conversation?). :)

Of the many that I've found, this one joined the list last night. I'd probably start it about 4:10 into the song depending on how much time I had. Enjoy.

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