Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Guard Dog

For those that know my dog, knows she can be very protective when she wants to be, but she's mostly very (overly) friendly.  For some reason, however, when I'm by myself - she is this insane guard dog that barks at the smallest noises.  I have to say that it scares the absolute bajesus out of me when I'm sitting there, watching TV or reading while she's sleeping, and then out of nowhere she FREAKS and goes ballistic.  So not only is my heart racing at that point, but I'm left wondering if someone (or something) is really there.  You'd think she'd have lost her credibility by now with all of the false alarms, but I get spooked just about every time (I say "just about" because I can easily shake it off during the day).  Ugh.. it gives me the heebie jeebies sometimes.

She doesn't do this when Craig is around, so I'm guessing that she is attempting to resume the alpha role in his absence.  And somehow, I got skipped over for the part..?


This is more of an after thought because I'm editing after I originally posted, but.. do not confuse the last couple of lines in the last two sentences above.  Craig is the "alpha" as far as Jovi is concerned, but not in our relationship.  I know he reads this so I can't just give him that title.  Especially not in writing.  Psh.  ;)

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