We got back to mom's house last night LATE, around midnight. It was a very long day, but mom did great! Unfortunately, with the 2 chemo drugs she's getting in the first 4 cycles, her chemo days will be long (like 8 hours) since she's only getting treatment every 3 weeks. So, she's not looking forward to that, since we thought that after the first treatment, they would be around 3-4 hours long. But really, I didn't think it was so bad. They have a TV in the room and you have plenty of channels to choose from, or you can watch movies. Mom was feeling the benadryl, so the first 2-3 hours she mainly slept on and off. Then they brought her lunch, and I went down to the dining hall and got lunch and her a piece of cake (because, chemo = guilt free cake 🎂).
The recliner she gets to sit in is very comfy and has heat and a massager on it (hayyyy 💃💃). She didn't use it, but as she becomes less of a newbie, I think it could come in handy for relaxing. They also have a nice balcony she can go sit on, and roll her little IV cart out there with her. For safety reasons, she wasn't allowed to do it on her first treatment, but she'll be able to mosy on out there the next time if she wants to.
She had to go to the restroom A LOT, because of all the fluids they were pumping. They forgot to tell her about that, so the dozen or so trips caught her off guard. To be extra careful, when she does use the restroom, she has to flush twice when she's done so there's no remaining drugs from bodily fluids in the toilet when the next person comes in. Also, if you're not receiving chemo and go to the restroom in the infusion department, they suggest you flush once before you sit, so you're not in danger of any trace of the chemo drugs coming into contact with you. I find it interesting that the drugs they're pumping into mom by the bagful, they don't even want them grazing non-patients due to safety reasons. Kind of amazing how powerful they must be, and scary at the same time.
Once they were done flushing her port, we were able to leave. We grabbed a bite to eat in the dining hall and then waited for the shuttle to the airport. Our flight was delayed at the very last minute (and I do mean that -- we were already on the plane, and then we sat there because they were messing with the cargo area, and then we had to wait our turn to take off). So we were about an hour delayed.
I put on Facebook this morning that I saw Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) from Downton Abbey on our flight last night (I talked to Sammy Watkins of the Buffalo Bills briefly in the security line last week). It took me the entire flight to figure out where I knew her from. I kept thinking that I must've known her from high school since she looked so familiar and was heading to Wilmington. But then her British accent gave it away as she walked by me after we landed and it clicked. I don't get to sit next to mom on the flights usually, so mom told me that apparently, she sat next to her. That was after mom greeted her by saying "Hey, you're in my seat." 😂 Mom went on to say that she wasn't very talkative (you don't say 🤔). I told mom that she probably couldn't understand her country twang. Anyways, it was just a funny story. I'm just sorry I stared at the girl for an eternity trying to figure out how I knew her. That would've creeped me out. My bad. 🙋
Today, we got up and mom went through her normal morning routine with her 2 cups of coffee, but she said she had a headache that was kind of a nuisance and she felt jittery and anxious. She did say that she felt a little better once she got something on her stomach, other than coffee. She said she wanted to try to go walk because the oncologist stressed that keeping up her daily activity was important (and to maybe even try to do more if she felt good enough). But, we were just taking baby steps. So I went with her to walk the loop, like she does every morning. We walked a little slower than normal, but she did great. We also figured that the amount of sweating that she did was probably good for her, to try to get those drugs out of her system. She said she felt sluggish but that is understandable considering the last 2 days and everything her body is currently experiencing from the port insertion and the chemo.
After that, we went to grab a bite to eat and saw my bestie at their restaurant (shameless plug for Bill's Front Porch Pub and Brewery 🍻.. check it out if you're in Wilmington). It was just nice to be in a familiar place. We went and got her prescription to combat any nausea she might have in the future so that she's ready if those side effects do creep up on her. I'm only telling y'all all of this so you can see that she's doing normal activities and not bedridden (so far... knock on wood). She got in a short nap after that and then my brother came to visit, and I left to get back to Craig and my babies.
I checked in with her tonight once I was home and she said all was well, and she was still feeling okay. I can tell she's tired though. We didn't sleep much while we were gone and last night wasn't much better since we got back so late. Thanks to everyone who has been asking how she's doing and checking in! We hate that these circumstances are the reason, but it's been so heart-warming to see how many people care about our mama. Really, the smallest gestures have meant the world. So, again.. thank you! 💞
My Definition of Trauma
I’ve been wrestling with thoughts of mom recently. I can only assume it’s due to Mother’s Day weekend looming. Or who knows, maybe I’m just ...
As I read my last blog entry, it truly feels like a lifetime ago. It was written before the pandemic took over, and while we were still hope...
Medically speaking, this trip was uneventful (which is a good thing). She had her normal check-in with her oncologist, and then chemo/immun...
It's been a while since I've updated, and that's been because of a GOOD thing -- Mom's status has been stable ever since we ...
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